Sunday, March 4, 2007

Asphalt Next Year (2007) for TLH

(A little late on this news report, but better late then never and it will lead to the latest info on the subject.)
VOCM News Nov. 25, 2006

Transportation Minister John Hickey says, “paving of the Trans Labrador Highway should begin next year (2007).

I’m just curious as to why Mr. Hickey didn’t give us all the details - details such as, the work will begin in June of next year and there will be 50km paved on the HVGB end and 50km on the Lab West end and some widening of the road will take place also. I’m sure many people in Labrador are happy that the road will be widened in some areas, but I doubt that the proposed $100 million will fully cover the cost of a proper paved highway, some 500km long between Lab West and Hvgb. Why couldn’t more of the road be paved in 2007? Is there a problem in the allocation of more funding at this time, or is that the limit of what can be done in one year? --N.A.

The minister also says, “both the federal government and the province are totally committed to the project”

So they should be, some 40 years later, I might add. I mean, why should industry in Labrador be stifled and citizens’ lives put in jeopardy because of a poor or non-existent highway transportation system, especially in light of the fact that Labrador is so rich in natural resources which are being exploited for jobs elsewhere and the massive out migration that is taking place from our province? --N.A.

Labrador MP Todd Russell raised some concern yesterday that Ottawa was holding up the plan.

I’d like to enlighten Mr. Russell, that it was the Federal Liberals and a Liberal Government in Newfoundland that was in power most of the past 40 years and they had ample opportunity to give us a highway like the rest of the country have been enjoying for decades. I do recognize that the Federal Liberals have helped Labrador a lot with our roads and it is a provincial jurisdiction, but they could have pushed our provincial government to do more by exposing their neglect of our transportation concerns, at least by doing so the general public would know where the problem really lies. --N.A.

Hickey says, “nothing could be further from the truth, and in fact the feds renewed their commitment to the Labrador Highway in the Commons this week”

Critiqued by: Norman Andrews (N.A.)

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