Thursday, July 5, 2007

Without Notice

I like the way that the Conservatives are going around the country and handing out funding left and right without contacting the provinces first.

Seems to me that in the past the feds gave money to the provinces and the provinces used it as they seen fit and took credit for federal money instead of Ottawa getting the credit. Now the provinces must prioritize their projects and submit proposals to Ottawa before they can be approved. That way Ottawa gets to know what the money is actually being used for.

When the late Lawrence O'Brien was in Ottawa, God rest his soul; he was a good man, I mentioned to him and his assistant Max Butler many times that there must be a way to get money for Labrador without the Provincial government taking it and using it out on the island most of the time, leaving us the scraps. There must be a way Ottawa could help us with our military base in Goose Bay. Regarding the base, Lawrence once told me that it was the government, it was DND who was the problem. So I said to him, are you telling me that DND tells the government what to do; something like a military state, he said, "in a way".

Now the feds should find a way to push this province into fast tracking the Trans Labrador Highway, especially the section between Lab West and Happy Valley Goose Bay. That section simply because it is 30 years or more overdue.

It isn't to difficult to put that highway on the fast track. Just put construction workers on the Lab West and the Lake Melville ends and construction crews in Churchill Falls working towards those two ends. By doing so it will not take 5 years to finish as the time frame now stands.

The people of these large Labrador communities have waited far to long for an highway for trade and for the safe movement of our citizens to visit family and friends.

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