Saturday, July 7, 2007

Across the Province ?????????????????

How many times have I gotta say it? Across the province isn't from St. John's to Port Aux Basques.

When will those in authority ever learn. In the first place a province called Newfoundland doesn,t exist. THE OFFICIAL NAME OF THIS PROVINCE IS, NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR, unless Labrador is still just a mere sideline, in which case the island doesn't need our Wood, our Nickel, our Hydro, our Resource Royalties, our Taxes etc..

The main jest of this is the fact that Hearn is handing out money all over the island of Newfoundland and no mention of Labrador. Maybe the people of Labrador will have to vote Liberal again like during the previous Federal Election.

See the CBC news report, " Hearn flies at the speed of $44,000 an hour"

1 comment:

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